Snapdragon flowers are native to the rocky areas of North America and Europe. They are commonly called dog flowers, dragon flowers, and snapdragons. Their flower shape resembles a dragon’s face and opens and closes when squeezed. Snapdragon flowers grow from seed. If you want to plant snapdragons, you need to start the process early in the gardening season.
Ah, snapdragons those amazing, cheery little snapdragon flowers that can brighten up even the darkest of winter days. Growing snapdragons from seed is as simple as scattering the seeds in lightly tilled, moderately rich, damp soil and keeping the area evenly moist. Here’s how to grow snapdragons successfully all year long.

Planting snapdragons early in the gardening season
Planting snapdragons early in the spring and summer is one of the best ways to get the most out of your snapdragons. The flowers of this delicate plant are most impressive when they are blooming at the start of the season. The flowers of this species grow in a variety of rich colors. Their blooms begin at the base of their flower spike, moving up towards the pinnacle, and last a few weeks. They fade away during the heat of the summer, but if you water your plants regularly, their blooms will continue into the fall.
For best results, plant Snapdragon seedlings at least one foot apart. Ensure that the soil is well-draining, as Snapdragons are susceptible to rot and mildew. Also, water your plants immediately after planting. Avoid overhead watering, as this can cause damping off and damage the blooms. It is also important to avoid watering your plants at night. Watering them overnight can lead to rot and mildew.
Care of snapdragon plants
Snapdragon plants do well in well-drained soil with a pH level of 6.2 to 7.0. They also do well when placed in a sunny spot in your home. Unlike other types of flower seeds, snapdragon seeds do not need to be buried in the soil. You can scatter them across the surface of the soil. You can also embed the seeds by applying a layer of soil on the top of the seeds.
Snapdragons prefer a cool climate, but they also require direct sunlight. If you find your snapdragon plants are not producing flowers despite the weather, move them to a sunny spot. It’s best to do this intentionally, since this will minimize transplant shock.

Meanings of snapdragon flowers
The snapdragon flower has many symbolic meanings. Its scientific name, Antirrhinum, is derived from the Greek anti meaning “like” and rhis meaning “nose.” Its unique shape and dragon -like appearance also give it a different name, dog flower, originating from another Greek word that means dog-headed. Although there are many colors and forms of this flower, the meanings of each are quite diverse.
While the snapdragon flower is most often associated with marriage, there are many other meanings attached to the flower. In ancient times, the snapdragon was used to ward off evil. It also signifies good fortune and is said to help a couple be happy. In addition, snapdragon flowers are said to be magical and can strengthen a marriage union. In modern times, it is a common flower to use as a wedding flower.
Snapdragon plants are great to keep in containers in a sunny location, as they do well under close confinement. They love afternoon shade as well. Just make sure they have rich, well-draining soil and the right space and light to grow.